While I have left out details for the sake of brevity (and thrown in some humor), the video still gives a pretty good idea of what I did.
I'll share the things and what I learned so that hopefully when such a project comes up for you it can be just as painless (knock on wood).Īdditionally, I've included a link to a video showing the process. I came in under budget (spending less than $100) and only had to put in half a day's work. Well I'm happy to say that THIS project was one of those wonderful ones that just comes together. many DIY projects start out with a similar confidence but quickly turn into a series of setbacks and issues as you fumble your way to completing the project. While the project had the novelty (at least for me) of requiring cement anchors.overall the project seemed pretty straight-forward so I decide to take it on.Īfterall.why am I gonna pay a contractor to do something that i have all the tools and know-how to figure out on my own? I recently found myself in need of a new handrail on the steps coming down from my back porch.